Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Detox Day 1

I started the detox today and it's going well.

I had a mango smoothie for breakfast which consisted of mango, avocado, kale, coconut water and almond milk. For lunch I just had an almond crusted baked chicken breast and baby spinach. For dinner I am going to be having the gazpacho that I posted the recipe for a few days ago.

I found a weight loss workout on Fit Tv that I recorded to the dvr so I can do it why my son is asleep. I did it to day and it felt good, I definetly worked up a sweat.

I weighed myself this morning and I'm 185lbs!!! yay!!!! That's 2lbs in one week. Hopefully I get at least that for next week too.

1 comment:

  1. i love fit tv! the belly dancing workout is grueling, but fun!

    I found your blog through the Etsy forums and just wanted to say hi and that you have a new follower! Have a beautiful week!

    xo, Katie
