Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My First Bound Book

Here it is. I spent some time today making a little note book.
The book measures 3"x2" and had 36 pages.
The pages inside have been hand sewn and glued. I covered the book in snowflake paper to give it a festive looks

I am going to be giving this little book away on this blog.
Here are the ways to enter.
Follow my blog 1 Entry
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I really enjoyed making this book so I am going to be making more to list in my Etsy store.

Deadline for entries is 11.17.2010 unless there are no entries then I will extend the deadline.

Book Binding

This is the latest craft to spark my interest. I love small items so I am going to have a go at binding a small note book. If things go well you may see some little books moving into my Etsy store soon.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Origami Lucky Stars

So here we go with the first post on my revamped blog. I wanted to share some photos of my work and a link to the instructions for making these cute little stars.

There are several places on the web to find these instructions but here is one of my faves.

This website has a whole bunch of other origami for you too try. I would love to see some pictures of Lucky Stars that you have made.

I sell the strips for making the stars in my Esty store but if you want to try now grab an old magazine and cut 1/2" vertical strips and follow the directions on the website above.

Back to blogging

I have been spending a few weeks following the tips from and finally feel like I have myself organized enough to return to blogging.

I love working with paper, as anyone who has been reading my blog will be aware, so I want to try and find a direction for this blog that will make it fun for others who love working with paper too. So if you are into Scrapbooking, Card making, origami or other paper crafts, follow this blog and maybe I will introduce you to a product or a craft that you didn't know was out there.

I am open to suggestions for features and would love to feature how-to's by paper artists out there.